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Interaction Design
February - April 2020

In this pandemic those elderly are stuck at home, lacking social interaction and losing more abilities every day.

Co/Mensa is an innovation that reduces the disadvantages of the pandemic. It is a corona-proof interactive table that creates a way for the elderly to do activities together by helping them overcome physical difficulties and guiding them with virtual assistance. It can be used for cooking, playing games, and more activities of the Ontmoet & Groet centre.

We were able to work with the Ontmoet & Groet centre to design an innovation for its residents and tackle the difficulties they are suffering due to the pandemic.

This project was one of the first ones I was able to work with a target group so close to my PI&V, the elderly. I learned the marketing perspective of design by analyzing the stakeholders’, an elderly center called Ontmoet & Groet, needs and apply them to design guidelines. By creating innovative products tailored to user needs, one creates products that will have an impact in the user's way of life.

Additionally, I was able to experiment more on my design personality as I worked on the platform mock-up with all its design elements, and was able to explore various styles.