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Sustainable Design
August - November 2019

With this display, you can experience the product in life-like scenery. This allows the user to fully understand and develop a feeling of familiarity with the product, which encourages them to buy it. ​This product is innovative and approachable, not only due to its round shape, but because of the projection and sound it emits, making the user interested in the message it is conveying. The projector projects the desired scenery onto the display table to place the product in a context familiar to the customer. The design also uses a surround-sound system. When the client passes by, they will hear sound fitting to the scenery and therefore be attracted to the stand.

In my first project at university, I realized that as a designer one faces unexpected challenges and has to learn how to solve them. Consequently, these problems made me recognize that to truly grasp the concept and have a truthful design is to find the intended purpose. This will not only help the client in the long run, but it will fully express what you want to convey.