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Mechanical & UX/UI Design
August - November 2020

60 to 80% of adults will at some point in their lives experience lower back pain, impacting their quality of life negatively.

For people suffering this condition, it can be difficult and painful to reach for the lower drawers in their house. SlideBox is an automated drawer that will help the elderly live comfortably by letting them use their entire house space again. The users have a controller that can be placed anywhere near the drawer. With the click of a button, the motors will start to move up with all of its contents. When the user finishes, they can now hit the button to close the scissor lift followed by the button to close the drawer.

With the project focused on the elderly and users with back problems, this project allowed me to dive deeper into my new PI&V. Many challenges were faced here, such as making it user-friendly for the elderly and making sure that it was interactive enough that they would need minimal explanation.